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Comic 320

Comic 320 published on 311 Comments on Comic 320

Howdy, fellow Draconiacs!  RazorFox here.

Looks like Riah‘s got her own special greeting for Kess.  Will Kess return the pleasantry?  Stay tuned.

Those of you looking for a soundtrack for this page can pull up “Heel Over Head” by Puddle of Mudd.

I’m sorry about the delay on this page.  A bit of depression, a rough week at my day job, inadequate sleep, and writer’s block all came together to generally screw me over last week, which sapped my drive to get anything done.  Part of that writer’s block arose from trying to get the action choreography to work right on this page.  I thank you all for your patience and your understanding, and yes, I’m feeling better now.  Thanks for your concern, your patience, and your understanding.

I got a good bit of news this week in that I’ve been awarded a spot in the Otakon 2013  Artist Alley!  Otakon used to be a regular stop for me from 1998 to 2005, but I stopped going for various reasons after that.  Then, last year, I figured that I missed going to that one enough to throw my name in the hat for their Artist Alley lottery.  My name was lucky enough to get drawn, though I was still a little apprehensive about going back to a convention where I’d been absent for so long.  I wound up being welcomed back with the most open of arms from my fans, and I had an absolutely wonderful time, so much so that I didn’t even think twice about going back this year.  And fortunately, my name came up again.  I look forward to seeing many of you in Baltimore this August.

And speaking of conventions, all the events in Boston this past week have not changed my plans.  My debut appearance at Anime Boston is still on, where I’ll be a featured artist.  Check me out in the Artist Alley as I make my first-ever trip to Boston, and only my second convention ever in New England.  It’s roughly five weeks away, but I’m already pretty amped, and I hope you are, too.  Hope to see my Draconiacs there from New England and the Canadian maritime provinces!

Welp, time to get to work on the next page.  What will be the fallout from Riah’s “greeting?”  Stay tuned…

Take care, my fellow Draconiacs, and thanks for reading!



And after Seeing Riah’s “Flash Kick” I can only say this… Guile’s Theme Really DOES go with everything!!!

Riah’s flash kick? When did Riah do that? o_O

When she has Kess between her legs and flipping her… she’s doing it in the Flash Kick motion.

Oh. Okay. I was unaware it had a name. I was just paying homage to a move I once saw Britanny do in an old “Gold Digger” issue. ^__^;

Inorite? I’d been wanting to have someone use that move in the comic for a long time. Way back, Xiu attempted it on Amperie, but the writer took it in a different direction. And Kess was originally going to do this to Briella on their first encounter, but I figured that it would take Briella out of action too fast. I finally got another opportunity this time around. ^o^

This seems more like something Cammy would do rather than Guile. I can’t really picture Guile pulling a move like this. Not that he couldn’t, It just doesn’t seem like his style. But that’s just my opinion, whatever that’s worth.

You might be right. In fact, I think she does do a move like this in one of the more recent 3D SF games.

I’m pretty sure she does it in street fighter 2 the animated movie to kill that one v.i.p shortly before she get’s taken down by his bodyguards

And after Seeing Riah’s “Flash Kick” I can only say this… Guile’s Theme Really DOES go with everything!!!

Riah’s flash kick? When did Riah do that? o_O

When she has Kess between her legs and flipping her… she’s doing it in the Flash Kick motion.

Oh. Okay. I was unaware it had a name. I was just paying homage to a move I once saw Britanny do in an old “Gold Digger” issue. ^__^;

Inorite? I’d been wanting to have someone use that move in the comic for a long time. Way back, Xiu attempted it on Amperie, but the writer took it in a different direction. And Kess was originally going to do this to Briella on their first encounter, but I figured that it would take Briella out of action too fast. I finally got another opportunity this time around. ^o^

This seems more like something Cammy would do rather than Guile. I can’t really picture Guile pulling a move like this. Not that he couldn’t, It just doesn’t seem like his style. But that’s just my opinion, whatever that’s worth.

*Begins the mandatory ten count*

*Begins the mandatory ten count*

Lol Riah para ser tan pequeña es banstante fuerte! Y veo a ninja Riah en el panel 2.

Lol Riah para ser tan pequeña es banstante fuerte! Y veo a ninja Riah en el panel 2.

I too like to have a welcome of that kind! Except the being thrown part, just the Tigeress on my shoulders (if I can hold her, considering that I’m pretty weak ~_~)

I too like to have a welcome of that kind! Except the being thrown part, just the Tigeress on my shoulders (if I can hold her, considering that I’m pretty weak ~_~)

Epicness, do you have anymore?! >.> Careful with all that awesomesauce you’re using, Fen. But I love the comic more nonetheless. Riah is quickly becoming my favorite.

Epicness, do you have anymore?! >.> Careful with all that awesomesauce you’re using, Fen. But I love the comic more nonetheless. Riah is quickly becoming my favorite.

And alas, with people like Kess only excepting a peace when the other side is dead then such a thing will never happen. Which means Kess has gotta die. Does she really think that the opposite of what she said isn’t true too. That the dragons have also lost those they care about to tigers and it’s personal for them too.

And alas, with people like Kess only excepting a peace when the other side is dead then such a thing will never happen. Which means Kess has gotta die. Does she really think that the opposite of what she said isn’t true too. That the dragons have also lost those they care about to tigers and it’s personal for them too.

Well, I take it that Riah is fully recovered, especially after that impressive display.

“Nice one Riah, you should try out for the Street Fighter tryouts!”

“Nice one Riah, you should try out for the Street Fighter tryouts!”

(trying to hold back slap.)Kess you deserved that. Oh come on kess you dont think the same thing is true for the dragons. Sheneeds a taste of her own medicine. She needs tell a dragon(who speaks tiger) you took my mother away only to have the dragon retort you took mine away and have her take a serious look at her revenge plan. I wonder what kalianni doing?

(trying to hold back slap.)Kess you deserved that. Oh come on kess you dont think the same thing is true for the dragons. Sheneeds a taste of her own medicine. She needs tell a dragon(who speaks tiger) you took my mother away only to have the dragon retort you took mine away and have her take a serious look at her revenge plan. I wonder what kalianni doing?

I agree with you Mr AMP. If only there was a way around the language barrier. Obviously it can be done seeing as how our little fox girl was able to talk with both leaders.

I agree with you Mr AMP. If only there was a way around the language barrier. Obviously it can be done seeing as how our little fox girl was able to talk with both leaders.

Something happens and I’m head over heels, I never find out till I’m head over heels………what? This comic made me think of that song, what??

Seriously though, I like the action in this. Riah’s pretty strong despite her size, should never underestimate her.

Something happens and I’m head over heels, I never find out till I’m head over heels………what? This comic made me think of that song, what??

Seriously though, I like the action in this. Riah’s pretty strong despite her size, should never underestimate her.




I assume no responsibility for the effects of my comic on my audience. ^__^;




I assume no responsibility for the effects of my comic on my audience. ^__^;

And it never ever crosses her mind, that the dragons are saying the exact same lines as her.

You know a joke? Whether it’s one side of the political battle line or the other: when you get to someone who’s into the black and white thinking “our side good, Their Side, (aka Not Our Side) Bad.” they give pretty much the same attitude and same rhetoric, only who is the source of the problem changes.

And it never ever crosses her mind, that the dragons are saying the exact same lines as her.

You know a joke? Whether it’s one side of the political battle line or the other: when you get to someone who’s into the black and white thinking “our side good, Their Side, (aka Not Our Side) Bad.” they give pretty much the same attitude and same rhetoric, only who is the source of the problem changes.

Have to say it, partial nipple in panel 4

Have to say it, partial nipple in panel 4

…I have taken a whole new interest in sneak attacks. *leaves all nsfw comments at the door*

…I have taken a whole new interest in sneak attacks. *leaves all nsfw comments at the door*

To be honest.I liked the older art style.

Aw, I’m sorry. Could you be more specific, though? I like to think the comic’s been through several different “eras,” in the way of art styles. I like to think of it as a constant evolution. I’m looking forward to what the comic will look like in a few years. I hope you’ll continue to join me to see which way it goes. ^__^

To be honest.I liked the older art style.

Aw, I’m sorry. Could you be more specific, though? I like to think the comic’s been through several different “eras,” in the way of art styles. I like to think of it as a constant evolution. I’m looking forward to what the comic will look like in a few years. I hope you’ll continue to join me to see which way it goes. ^__^

Is Riah doing a reverse Frankensteiner?

*looks up the move* Yeah, she is, actually, though the similarity was unintentional. ^__^

I’ve been trying to spot wrestling moves in each chapter lately. I’m expecting for someone to get hit with a RKO out of nowhere.

I am a bit of wrestling fan, though I don’t know the formal names of a lot of the moves. I just know what looks neat, and when there’s one that suitable for one of my characters to use, I’ll throw it in. I wouldn’t rule out an RKO, but I like to tweak popular moves and make ’em my own. I also have to figure out moves that would translate well into a still image or a small number of images. Thus, you probably won’t see a People’s Elbow or a Five Knuckle Shuffle anytime soon. ^__^

Is Riah doing a reverse Frankensteiner?

*looks up the move* Yeah, she is, actually, though the similarity was unintentional. ^__^

I’ve been trying to spot wrestling moves in each chapter lately. I’m expecting for someone to get hit with a RKO out of nowhere.

I am a bit of wrestling fan, though I don’t know the formal names of a lot of the moves. I just know what looks neat, and when there’s one that suitable for one of my characters to use, I’ll throw it in. I wouldn’t rule out an RKO, but I like to tweak popular moves and make ’em my own. I also have to figure out moves that would translate well into a still image or a small number of images. Thus, you probably won’t see a People’s Elbow or a Five Knuckle Shuffle anytime soon. ^__^

Well, it seems like Nekonny finally gets…
Wait…WHAT!? Why would he turn it down? It probably has something to do with everything that has happened thus far.

Well he was pretty much willing to accept being a cat for kimi in the first place so he stopped caring about that a while ago. Now that she’s gone maybe he want to keep the cat form sinceit was the form he had when the first meet, and fell in love. Either that or Nekonny is about to hit us with a big surprise twist to the ending.

no, i think i see why he doesnt want nekocat form remember he a human that got transformed into a nekocat due the bell, if anything he would want to be human again since thats what this was all about in the first place since tina online, and the fact that kimi and hit it off he wouldn’t want that form because he would hate it due he would think of kimi even worse, and he was happy in cat form because he had kimi besides him so i am guessing eh would ask to be back in human form rather than having the reminders of the pain with him loosing kimi

Sorry to change subject, but … What is that Tine online you mentioned here? I can’t find it in Katbox and when I try to google it, it gives me some Tina Turner video :I Can you explain a bit about it, or give me a link to it, please ?

Nekonny originally made a comic, titled TinaOnline, featuring himself with Tina and Yuki in a city. Tina buys a sort of transformation powder to turn into a tiger but accidentally pours it on Nekonny, who had a name but I forget, and he’s turned into a cat. One of the pages of the comic references this. It was in black and white and seemed to have the style of the first pages of the comic. The last strip features Tina about to force Nekonny into a pet talent show. Where the comic has gone is unknown but Nekonny possibly has the strips somewhere but doesn’t want to post them since they’re old and outdated.

They are still floating around the net somewhere, but it’s most likely you’ll find a foreign language version than the English one that used to be on the Katbox. Most likely it will make a comeback in a new format after CB is done, as a prequel of sorts.

Hey, remember when one of this comic’s main themes was that we can decide our own destiny/fate? Because I sure do.

Last I checked, the comic isn’t over yet!

I’m waiting til the end and I see everything set in stone before I leap to any conclusions about what the heck is happening. I’m sure that plays a part in what Nekonny’s about to do or why he turned it down, I dunno.

I’m just feeling so conflicted right now. I am incredibly disappointed in this new direction, but I don’t want to come off as a whiner.

You’re right. I have a tendency to jump to conclusions and have knee-jerk reactions. I’ll try not to pass judgement until I see the big “THE END” sign.

Like it’s such a big mystery what’ll happen. Either it just continues on in this depressing direction painted as happy optimism or we get some deus ex bullcrap where Nekonny wishes Kimi back to life somehow. Or we get something in the middle and watch as he decides to pair with Maya for no reason, cause let’s face it, they really tried to force her as an option out of the blue starting on page 230 or so.

may be to test if nekoony truly loved her. I mean he set out to to island to become human again, but if he throws that away for kimi it’s clearly true love.

so if kimi does come back it was all so kind of sick test for nekonny set up by the spirits to see if he and kimi’s love was real.

well Fluff the possible reason Nekonny may have to turn down being a nekocat is probably the reminder that because of his overconfidence he blindly rushed off at the boss and it’s what basically cost Kimi her life to come out and “avenge” him not knowing he was still alive under the rubble, that is the possible reason why he would turn down going back to that form, it’s his personal shame so to speak

Nekonny you fool! You’re going to miss those opposable thumbs!

Don’t forget that bitching combat armor!

Also don’t forget that he no longer would be forced to use kitty litter and eat cat food and sleep all day and not have a care in the world.

At the cost of not living as long…BUT WHAT A GREAT LIFE IT COULD BE WHILE IT LASTS

why do i get the feeling after this ends, there will be a whole new adventure? why do i feel that? and plus maaaybe Maya has already reverted back cause remember when nekonny was a cat she was human and vise versa so mayyybe he wants kimi back as a gift

Oh wow, I can see why he would refuse that gift. Yes, it’s what he wanted when they first landed on the island, but without Kimi he no longer cares about being human again, even if it is in Nekocat form.
That’s why I believe he is refusing, he’d rather have Kimi alive than get what he wanted.

Things are just getting better and better. But I understand his choice.

I love it how Kimi seems be lying to herself when it comes what she is saying…do you see her expression as she is trying to reassure him….she looks so sad.

Kimi has never had the need to lie to Nekonny, she just wants him to be happy and not blame himself for her losing her life defeating the evil monster that threatened everyone on the island.
but at the same time she probably does not want to say good bye to Nekonny either because they can’t stay there forever so while there is still time she wants to get her message across to him (and probably tell him that she will love him forever and to not forget her when she’s gone)

There s only one thing his mind and heart whant. So I can see why he’d not give a dam about getting that form.

Remember when Nekonny rushed the boss monster and went into his bell. It looked like he died and Kimi took his place. I’m willing to bet that Maya will see how selfish she was and take Kimi’s place

Maybe but she also had feelings for nekonny that where hidden for awhile.

Wut… how can they transform him permanently?

Maya should act selfless for once in this comic and take Kimi’s place so Kimi can live with Nekonny

Agreed but I don’t see her doing it after stealing the bell.

and HOW do you Figure that? how would maya take Kimi’s place so she could live again and be with Nekonny? are you guys asking she become a martyr and do a trade her life for Kimi’s that won’t happen at all!

…Nekony, don’t be an idiot. Just take it. If not for the sake of being human again then at least so that one day you may join Kimi.

I would’ve taken the offer, honestly I’ve felt like whenever the Hero turns down the original thing he was striving for, it felt like a complete and utter cop-out, like how all the DC heroes are fucking retarded for refusing to kill extremely dangerous and murderously psychopathic villains

The DC heroes never strived to kill anyone, how is this comparable?

because it’s counter-productive to the original goal of the hero, for Nekonny it’s becoming human again, for DC heroes, it’s stopping evil, seeing as the villains never change in DC comics and no prison can seem to hold them at all, refusing to end them just keeps the populace at risk

People can have a change of heart once they see things from a different perspective, Kimi kinda gave him that. Besides, I think that he even mentioned in the comic (page 111) that becoming nekocat wasn’t the solution he had been hoping for anyway.

In all honesty, I think her ‘Destiny’ was forced by the guardians. If you recall, she was taken UNWILLINGLY into their ball of light. So her Destiny is actually just being robbed of her life. The Guardians were selfish, and now it’s just them trying to have pity for taking someone he loves, not for helping them. Least that’s my two cents..

Nekonny, ask those guardians if they made sure you just got a few bruises instead of getting killed when a good chunk of a building fell on you ! Then if they did say they saved you, tell them that you should have died alongside Kimi.

They MUST HAVE brought him back by keeping his essence in the bell after he died…and then not tell him. There is simply no way he survived with just a few bruises. I SENSE A CONSPIRACY!:-p


But there is no proof that he didn’t die either haha. He did hit that wall at building-shattering speed. I didn’t mean to make you mad.

im sorry theshift key on my phone got stuck i normally don’t type like that, anyways sadly Nekonny’s refusal to become a nekocat is basically the sad reminder of his failure to help out intelligently rather than blindly rushing in which in turn costed Kimi her life

In the comic 314, Nekonny said that everyone couldn’t explain how he got only a few injuries. So I was thinking that maybe the guardians might have a hand in him NOT getting killed. I’m thinking that that he might reveal that he was originally human and ask to be returned to being human, or ask to join Kimi in death.

If my loved one was basically forced into a bum deal to die because some selfish prick wanted a FEMALE savior? Yes. I mean the original point of this comic was that you could seize your own destiny, guess what. Kimi’s was stolen from her by a blue ghost bitch… you don’t do that shit man.

The reality is that they all died in the plane crash over to the island and this was all a dream… WHAT A TWIST! o_O

… I see him regretting saying “No” shortly after they leave. Also, where’s Maya?

Also where is “Tina Online”? I can’t find it.

Had a thought at work last night (My job is a night shift job (janitor)), and while I was doing my job, I thought that what if that “No” in the final panel is NOT from Nekonny.
Suspect number 1. Maya, being a selfish brat and wanting to be a nekocat again.
Suspect number 2. Yani (Alice’s cat), insisting that nekocats should be female.
Suspects numbers 3 & 4. Mika andor Muna, wanting Nekonny to stay as a cat.
Possible suspect 5. A Nekocat guardian that doesn’t want a male nekocat.

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