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Page 435

Page 435 published on 18 Comments on Page 435

Howdy, fellow Draconiacs! RazorFox here.

My, oh my, does Saph have a vivid imagination! Will she let sleep stand in her way from letting her show Lady Red exactly how she feels? Stay tuned…

Thanks, everyone, for your patience during Katbox‘s renovations. Our esteemed webmistress Mihari determined that things could run more efficiently with a new back end and improved organization on the site, though it required that the Katbox be taken down temporarily to allow that to happen.

One thing you might notice is that the comic’s URL has changed. Henceforth, you’ll find The Draconia Chronicles at, so make sure to update your bookmarks accordingly. In the meantime, the old address will automatically redirect you to the new one.

While the site was down, my Patreon supporters continued to get new comics before the rest of the world ever saw them. It’s one of the benefits of supporting The Draconia Chronicles, and a pledge as small as $3 per page lets you see new material before it goes public!

So with that said, the next page is already done and waiting in the wings. Check back soon for page 436!

Take care, my fellow Draconiacs, and thanks for your continued support!



You know your not supposed to go into peoples rooms without asking

Hi! I hope this doesn’t come off as stalkerish, but… I just wanted to say thank you for selling me this awesome mousepad like 15 years ago at a snowy Katsucon!

It’s been put to use practically daily since that con and the colors are still gorgeous!

Thank you and take care! 😊

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