It’s just talk… right?
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A cruel bigot trying to enter the “Light House” aka the royal palace and run the show. Well, there’s one running the show at the White House, and already the world is burning…
Any resemblance between the characters, events, and locations depicted in “The Draconia Chronicles” and anything in the real world is purely coincidental.
Looks like Fiera’s gonna confront Sombrana about her earlier comment, good luck little Fiera!
Fiera’s a brave one, that’s for sure!
I wonder if Sombrana is still stable enough to not go off the deep end? Also Fiera might have made a mistake coming alone to see the emotionally unbalance light dragon.
Fiera’s got moxie!
Hm, so the lightning dragons swore an oath to defend the throne and empire, but not to the one whose butt is warming the throne. So if Sombrana appeals to their loyalty to the throne and to remove the usurper … and would the water dragons side with them?
Interesting observation about the difference between the throne and the queen. Hmmm…
I think Eone is plotting something for a departing earth dragon exodus
Well the queen did say that the reason that they don’t wipe out the tigers is because it keeps the dragons united. But that’s on shaky ground and can only last for so long until someone says beep that.
Well, if they go west, they’ll have to dodge those lightning bolts!
Just noticed both the Queen Oscura and Princess Lumina both have tattoos on their arms, Neat.
And speaking of Lumina, Seeing her watch the Aurora is quite Adorable
Good eye on the tattoos! That’s the official insignia of the monarchy on both the reigning queen and her heir apparent!
Cool bit of world building!
Far-Flung Fates
Buried in the background of Sombrana’s steps away from the empire is a tangle of the tales of others who have faced exile from her Eminence’s abode. Emotions embroiled, Sombrana, as Elektra alights, is not one to let logic nor ordains be obstacles to her ambitions. Talk of glory is as it appears, just talk. Meanwhile, the Lightning Dragons, once storied members of the Imperial Guard now sit solemnly silently surveying the borders. Unfortunately an eruption forced them to uproot and swiftly scurry to safety. It seems the ladies of lightning swear to serve the kingdom regardless of the one seated on its throne. Blue asks a poignant prelude: “And what if Sombrana asks you to violate that oath?” Elektra’s hopes are the rouge dragon will not walk that risky path. Inside the cave, a fearless Fiera faces Sombrana. For what purpose?
Political favoritism and prejudice pervade the Kingdom and the ones near the top are feeling the effects. Are the exiles bound to stay outside forever or is disloyalty and disillusionment mean danger is on the horizon?
Sounds like a powderkeg waiting to go off!
Dear goodness what is up with our poor girl’s hand there?
Amperie’s got a cool metal gauntlet that she inherited from her fallen comrade Circuitae. ^__^