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Howdy, fellow Draconiacs!  RazorFox here.

Next time, we hope Riah will think before she decides to add emphasis to help make her point.

Those of you looking for a soundtrack for this page can pull up “Alive” by Pearl Jam.

Sorry for the delay on this page.  A couple bits of life got in the way, including a sports injury, all of which slowed down the page’s completion.  Your patience will be rewarded, though, as my Patreon donors can view an uncensored version of this page!  Your donations help keep the comic going, and they entitle you to little bonuses along the way, including work-in-progress sketches and NSFW versions of comic pages.  A pledge as small as $3 per page gets you access to the goodies before they’re released to the general public, so pledge today!

Back to work on the next page.  It won’t take as long, I hope!  Take care, my fellow Draconiacs, and thanks for reading!



Hey, glad to see that Shie isn’t too badly burnt (Med rare) and to finish her dialog in last panel SON OF A BI-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! (Panel of “Experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by.”)

HELL YEAH! Let’s hope she at least kicks the tail of that “red ram”! What can I say? I am a Tiger Supporter and seeing her do that to Shie made her instantly lose Brownie points in my book.

Well, Kighan’s got her sights set on Shie, but what if Riah gets to her first? Hmmm…

No matter what, it’s gonna be a nasty sight. I think the Wonder Woman Pilot episode said it best. “PANTS TO BE DARKENED!”

The…the Wonder Woman pilot really said that? O_o
Welp, let this be a lesson, children: Don’t do acid at work.

Yep. Right on the screen the directors wrote a huge note, “Pants to be Darkened”. as they didn’t like the color of her pants in that shot. Well… it took a whole new meaning considering how blood-thirsty Wonder Woman was in the pilot.

so is the yellow tear drop a result of the lighting or are you really trying to hammer in the effectiveness of pee when it comes to burn wounds /: )

also can’t wait for Kess to misinterpret that scream and go head long into Valkyrie mode, and we all know how effective and smart angry Kess is…

either way you seem to really like using all sorts of misunderstanding to pull these characters into every type of trouble imaginable XD, to bad I can’t really see a happy ending with how this situation is shaping up.

Mutual misunderstandings are fun! And since none of my characters are omniscient in a world full of violence, it’s natural to assume the worst before you find out for certain what’s going on. Can’t blame the Tigers for being rather paranoid in these circumstances.

And that drop? Yyyyeah, that’s neither sweat nor tears. It ain’t yellow by accident. ^__^;;

misunderstandings are fun? wow, i swear razorfox, you keep thinking like that, and you’ll be the new director of the walking dead in no time. lol. hahaha, isn’t that funny. like i can already seeing a meme with your user picture and text below it saying ”oh, you have a favorite character in the draconia chronicles web comic? not anymore!” lol. man that would be funny. but anyway, nice job with the comic page. its really good. sorry for your sports injury. i hope it didn’t hurt that bad. but none the less your doing great with the comic. with everyone being paranoid? that’s no surprise. except for the twins that is. i mean i understand kess. but rula and naisha, they nearly get killed by the dragons and they find shie badly injured, yet they still have the decency to smile. i swear something’s gonna happen to them because of that, other than that, i just got one last question: WHERE THE HELL IS KILANI!?

Mud, aloe, piss, now we just need some cold water and Shie will be good as new! owo/ ….Maybe. Probably still embarrassed at the whole thing, but yeah.

Oh-ho, we get to see the damage done to Riah’s left eye a little more. If she ever sees out of it again, it won’t be very well. Looks like it’s healing fine otherwise, no infection or anything like that. Kighan better watch out!

i can’t say the same for shie, i mean all that mud on her legs is gonna do something bad. i just know it. i hope im wrong.

The mud probably won’t help heal anything, but I imagine it would help cool the burns and therefore soothe them and the pain somewhat. Aloe is really where it’s at, but you gotta make do.

uh hello dude? its mud, im more worried her wounds will get infected because of that. and aloe? i didn’t even know aloe was a real plant.

The burns probably aren’t 3rd degree, as the girls said Shie’s fur got most of it. There won’t be any open sores or wounds with those burns, so using mud would be fine without much risk of infection, if any. Yeah, aloe is a real plant. It’s mainly a desert plant, and the gel under the tough skin can be used for burns, sunburns, and cuts. Pretty much instant results, too, as far as pain soothing goes.

Puffball’s right! One of the things that slowed this comic down was also the writing. I had to do a bit of research on how burns like this would affect Shie, what the severity of the burn would be, and how to treat it using what’s available in the environment. I thank my good friend Nate Dogg, who works in the medical profession and isn’t the deceased rap star of the same name, for consulting me on this! ^__^

dude, your making a comic where dragons and tigers fight each other with magic and blades. i think your working too hard when i comes to making it realistic. say razorfox im writing a story right now. i was wondering if you could give me any tips? plz.

Oh god I hate it when people do that…

What’s going on with that eye anyways? Is that the actual damaged eye itself or is that a ‘Censorship Bug’?

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