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Holiday Special 2014 Page 3

Holiday Special 2014 Page 3 published on 29 Comments on Holiday Special 2014 Page 3

Howdy, fellow Draconiacs!  RazorFox here.

And thus, through the power of spam–and a little luck–it looks like Arc has won back her good standing with Tshila, her mother Elektra, and Sandy Claws herself.  Hope you all enjoyed this year’s holiday special!

As of this page, I’m putting the comic on a brief pause while I finish up the 2015 Draconia Chronicles Calendar!  2015 marks the tenth anniversary of the series’ launch as a webcomic way back on January 3, 2005, and so this year’s calendar looks back at twelve of the biggest, baddest moments in the series’ history, including a salute to the holiday specials!  You can order now through December 31st, and your order helps support the comic for the coming year.  Get yours now!

On behalf of myself and all of us here at Katbox, have yourself a merry Christmas, a happy holiday season, and a great new year!  Take care, my fellow Draconiacs, and thanks for reading!



well, someone is very forgiving. I guess you have to be with arc

She tried, and it looks like she earned every bit of it. ^__^

i never tasted spam before. can anyone give me the closest representation of what it tastes like?

“Spam” is actually a contraction of the words “spiced ham.” It’s actually pretty good, but it’s gotten a bad rap over the years, thanks to a Monty Python skit from back in the day, and that skit went on to inspire the use of the term for junk advertising on the internet. Thus, people have come to associate “spam” with something bad, when in fact, it’s alright. I’m not a huge fan myself, but I don’t hate it. As far as this year’s story is concerned, it was meant to be a simple gag in the first page, but I realized I could use it again as I was thinking up the ending. Throwaway gags have a habit of coming back to become plot devices when I’m writing. You’d be surprised how many major developments in the comic originated as earlier jokes. ^__^

that it has, but it does also deserve that bad rep for it back in the old days but other then that its really good on the money when your living with eating spam, raman noodles i know i went 2 years eating it i had to exercise every day due how much sodium and watery grease it has when its packed and cooked,but now a days they have different types of it spam light{ dont believe} it and different tastes etc over the years that they experimented with it, but its basically unhealhty fat food to only use when you very low on money and can go with just bout anything to mix it with

And thus another great year come to a end with a fitting page, merry christmas everyone 🙂
P.S.:Who is this fox that works for Oscuras? And why we don’t see any other of her tribe in the comic?

Hmmm. Good question…

hey uh. razorfox, its been a while and, well……im just wondering are you okay. are ya alright? because well………their hasn’t been a page update and weeks and according to your facebook, you’ve sold nearly all of you calenders. amazing work by the way, i would buy one myself if i had money to spare.

but none the less, what im trying to ask is if your alright, because an update hasn’t happened in weeks. and i know you want me to be patient by refrencing me with some bug/insect, (LOL!) but i was just wondering if things were alright and that you weren’t dead or anything. i apologies if i sounded inpatient at anytime during this comment.

O.O I told you spam was powerful….did u listen……well..maybe but still…..spam is powerful!!!! BEHOLD THE SPAM :D…. and Merry Christmas Razzor.

Oh, dear, I’ve missed the two updates while I was out…

RazorFox, would it be in fair play to come up with something on the spot? I’m not sure if I’m creative enough to make up for the delay.

Go right ahead!

Frosted ways to spend your spells
Of harrowed thoughts and sorrowed ways,
She’d sooner know a lesson than never know her blessings!
It was but a single thought that day…

Den Mother’s ear cocked upright
To hear the strangeness of the blessed day come pass,
To know of what transpired these former hours.
The revelation could stir the Hatchling’s ire…
For what she took to know was truth
Could be indeed pause for the youngest child to sing!

“For not know I of our marauder,”
Spoke the mother of happy twins,
“But only of the chance of which you’ll seek;
You’ve the mind, the hand, the blade–
So make a meal of Christmas Day!”

Would not be the shortest note
The Hatchling leaves on supper’s lip,
Waiting stalwart for it’s intended
To read, to know, to soon leave it’s due–
Broodmother’s smile for what could be
The triumph of the centuries since
Old Saw-tooth Jack spread cold abound
Our ever-known world in ev’ry corner!

Oh to know the taste She knew when She arrived that Eve!
To know you’ve gained full pardon as the Morning Bells would ring!

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